Monday, January 30, 2012

Devotion Is The Key

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A message from Phakchok Rinpoche this Guru Rinpoche day:

Dear All Near and Far,

I hope you have all been happy and healthy. I’m writing to you all from Ka-Nying Shedrup Ling Monastery where at present we are performing the annual Tsekar (White Amitayus/Buddha of Longevity) Drupchen (great accomplishment), a nine day ceremony based on a collection of liturgies belonging to the “Great Accomplishment Group Sadhana of White Amitayus”. This drupchen beginning on the 8th day of the fist lunar month of the Tibetan New Year brings forth auspicious circumstances for the practitioners two fold attainment of longevity and primordial wisdom.

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When talking about auspicious circumstances for practitioners, the most perfect circumstance for realizing the correct view of emptiness is through generating complete non judgmental and genuine devotion to all the enlightened ones and to cultivate unbound and un fabricated compassion for all sentient beings. Some of you may be practitioners, some interested in practicing and some just receiving this message as a junk, to which I deeply apologize. For you practitioners and for those who are interested in practicing, when you do the practice, you need to have a certain goal or a boundary or a limit to where you want to reach.

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As mentioned in countless times in my past previous notes, devotion is the key. For devotion, you need to have unerring certainty in the dharma, grounded pure perception, and finally heartfelt kindness of the teachers and the teachings. With these intact, devotion will naturally arise. In the moment of devotion, we should sincerely bring to mind our root gurus along with the lineage gurus and think of their great qualities and with great admiration, supplicate to them. Knowing that it is only through the kindness of the gurus that we’ll be able to understand the ultimate nature of the mind, with such great gratitude, genuine devotion should naturally arise.

Devotion should be applied through supplication; physically through putting your palms together, verbally through chanting the supplication, and mentally by aspiring to become a good practitioner in any condition whether in happiness or in sorrow.

Your devotion shouldn’t be judgmental as well. If it is, then your devotion is not pure. Devotion is actually a measurement of how deep your understanding of your realization of emptiness is.

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Although all sentient beings possess the self existing wisdom, they are unaware of it and as a result beaten relentlessly in the illusory experiences of samsara and suffer tremendously. When seeing such, one should overcome with great compassion and pity. At a moment like this, one should genuinely aspire with great compassion for all sentient beings to be free from suffering and the cause of suffering. Compassion should be without bounds, without attachment, without judgment, without hope and well grounded.

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On this 10th day of the first month of the Iron Rabbit Year, Guru Rinpoche renounces his kingdom, practices yoga and meditation in the great charnel ground of Sitavana and attains liberation. Gathering under the matrikas and dakinis, he is known as Guru Shantarakshita.

Keeping you all in my mind on this auspicious day of the auspicious month of the auspicious year!

Sarva Mangalam,

Phakchok Rinpoche

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