Monday, January 30, 2012

Lifting the beliefs behind smoking.

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Why do people smoke or get addicted to other substances? One answer is because of all the addictive ingredients in the substances . Another answer is because there is something missing from their lives. What is it, though? Love? Money? A fulfilling job? Children?
In the cases I have seen recently, the reason for addiction was a lot deeper than any of those things, but made sense to the clients once it had been revealed.
Connection, or lack of it. Not to any human being, but to the universe itself.
It’s a pretty big one, with lots of co-existing programs along with it, such as “I am separate from the Creator”, “I am unworthy of being loved by the Creator”,” I don’t love myself” and/or “ I am nothing”. As far-fetched as it may seem, holding any of these beliefs in our sub-conscious can prove debilitating in our attempts to form and maintain relationships, love ourselves and move on with our lives. When something seems to be missing, we attempt to fill the void.
In a Theta healing session, the practitioner finds the bottom belief and witnesses Creator pull it from the client and replace it with the positive one. It is vital that the feelings of what it is to live without the negative belief(s) and what is to live with the positive one(s) are downloaded as well, or the client may not be completely cured.
In all of the smoking cases in which I have performed healings, the bottom belief was “I am not connected to the universe” and, no, as two of the clients have told me, they have not smoked since!

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