Monday, January 30, 2012

The Power of the Emotions.

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Since I have been on this amazing spiritual journey I have begun to realize how powerful my thoughts and emotions are in manifesting and/or healing physical illness. When I think back to all my years of ill health, I wish I had known what I know about the effects of stress, trauma, grief, fear, anxiety and anger on my health. Nonetheless, whenever I get an ailment now, I immediately look inwards to discover the source of the trouble, because physical illness is merely a symptom; the cause is rarely solely of a physical nature.
Trauma and grief come from many causes and can even be carried over from previous lifetimes. We can carry them in all our belief levels (core (childhood events), genetic, history and soul), and the illnesses that are manifested can range from mild to life threatening. Certain emotions are also documented as contributing to physical illness in particular areas in the body. For instance, the lungs carry grief, the kidneys and knees hold fear. The adrenal glands, bladder and gall bladder hold anger and bitterness, and the liver can also be upset by anger and fear. Asthma is a symptom of a fear of giving in, and cancer is a result of pent-up hatred. When the client can reflect on and acknowledge the cause of the feelings and emotions behind their ailments, or be made aware of them through Theta Healing by a practitioner, the emotions can be lifted and the healing can then begin to take place.
In healing sessions with several clients recently, I have asked Creator to release trauma and grief from the heart and sacral chakras, as well as from the auras. These clients have had physical symptoms ranging from arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and even cancer. The release of these negative and damaging emotions, in many cases which had been stored up since childhood, were followed by amazing healings from Creator which left the clients feeling like weights had been lifted off their shoulders.
It is not healthy to hang on to feelings of anger, jealousy, fear, hurt and grief. It is sometimes difficult for us as humans to forgive others for perceived infliction of pain and suffering. However, it is far better for our health and wellbeing to release these emotions and to forgive, so that we don’t continue to carry around excess baggage which can only ever serve to weigh us down and cause us grief on a physical level.

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